Favorite Blog Post

3rd quarter: http://alanamwimer.blogspot.com/2013/02/the-problem-with-service-trips.html

4th quarter: http://alanamwimer.blogspot.com/2013/05/poor-quality-food-in-high-quality.html


Freedom Of Speech

While browsing the CNN website I came across a video that really made me think.  A high school sophomore in Philadelphia wore a ‘Romney Ryan’ shirt on her dress down day at school.  Sam Pawlucy math teacher saw her shirt and told her to get out of class, when Pawlucy said ‘no’, the math teacher called another teacher in, they questioned her and embarrassed her in front on the class.  The reason this shocked me so much is because Pawlucy was not wearing a shirt with any offensive words or images.  Her shirt simply said a presidential candidate, that’s it.  This incident brings up the question we have been talking about in class; what degree should teachers share their beliefs with students?  I believe they should share their beliefs but not their ‘disbeliefs’ or press their opinion on anybody else.  Yet, in this situation Pawlucys teachers tried to make her question her own beliefs by asking the student why she was wearing that shirt and trying to kick her out of the class room for it.  This is totally wrong and her teacher should not have the right to take away her freedom of expression… correct?  Well one could also argue that the teacher has her right to express her own opinion, and that she too has freedom of speech.  
Sam Pawluckys

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