Favorite Blog Post

3rd quarter: http://alanamwimer.blogspot.com/2013/02/the-problem-with-service-trips.html

4th quarter: http://alanamwimer.blogspot.com/2013/05/poor-quality-food-in-high-quality.html


A school or a cave?

While browsing on CNN's website an article titled 'Cave Becomes Classroom for Syrian kids' caught my eye.  The cave is carved to into tiny cube-shaped rooms, and the lighting quality is very poor.  They have to revert to caves because as a teacher says; "in the city, there is always this imminent danger that the regime choppers or planes will bomb us or drop the TNT barrels".  This is a horrible situation and as one of the young students say; "Enough killing and destruction. We've had it. We can't get close to our schools" this shows his desire to learn.  Also in the video the children are excited and eager to learn as the reporter observes; "They are calling out boisterously, raising their hands eagerly, clamoring to answer questions."  This is striking, even thought these children have been forced to fled from their old school due to extreme danger, and are currently learning inside a cave where students have to shine flashlights to brighten the room they are still excited to learn. 

This really contrasts with New Trier, here students are constantly complaining about school and a lot of kids cut classes.  Yet the building is in no danger of getting bombed, we have huge classrooms and the lights are normally a little too bright.  Kids here have everything a Syrian kids could imagine yet we are not satisfied, nor are we excited and eager to learn.   Why are we so unappreciative? I believe we are this way only because we know nothing else.  Education has never been taken away from us like It has been to these kids so we are not longing for it.  

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