Favorite Blog Post

3rd quarter: http://alanamwimer.blogspot.com/2013/02/the-problem-with-service-trips.html

4th quarter: http://alanamwimer.blogspot.com/2013/05/poor-quality-food-in-high-quality.html


The Ban has been Lifted

Just in the past week the U.S. military leaders formally lifted the ban on women serving in combat positions.  This is a turning point for our country and shows how far we have come regarding woman's rights and equalities.  There are a variety of reactions to the lift of this ban.  A common viewpoint that was vocalized by Roma Amundson a Lancaster County Commissioner; "It’s natural. Women have performed in combat duties and so this distinction of all combat jobs seems a little moot...it (the lift) just takes away these artificial limitations".  The word 'moot' means; to have little or no practical value or meaning, therefore Amundson is saying that prior to the ban woman were participating in the same jobs as men, and so to have rules in place that appose this seem meaningless.  When she says we are 'taking away these artificial limitations' we are taking away 'fake' limits therefore she believes nothing is actually changing. Even if this is the case there is still a lot of opposition.  
The opposition is not directed at gender equality but at the timing.  As Allan West says; "Unless the Obama administration has not noticed we are fighting against a brutal enemy and now is not the time to play a social experiment with our ground combat forces". He says 'now is not the time' because we are currently in a perilous time.  All efforts should be aimed at successfully finishing the war not gender equality.  West goes on to say; "This... could potentially lead to the demise of our military".  Which is very extreme and harsh but holds an element of truth.  If the military and Obama are focused on this social act then focus will be taken from the battle field, at a crucial time, we can not afford this.  Therefore, when do you believe such a crucial ban like this should be lifted?  

If you still want to know more about the ban, check our the video below! 


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