Favorite Blog Post

3rd quarter: http://alanamwimer.blogspot.com/2013/02/the-problem-with-service-trips.html

4th quarter: http://alanamwimer.blogspot.com/2013/05/poor-quality-food-in-high-quality.html


Woman in the MIlitary

When flipping through the New York Times this morning I came across an article about woman’s role in the military.   Maud Newton says that around 400 women “(fought) in the Civil War wearing disguises”.  These woman had to wear dinguses’ otherwise they would not have been allowed to fight.  The first thought that popped into my head about this was “wow, how outdated” yet when I thought more about it I realized that this law still applies today.
 Women today are still prohibited from combat; “During World War II female soldiers were taught to wear girdles, high heels and makeup that matched their uniforms. Since the 1990s, policies have focused more on prohibiting women from positions that involve direct ground combat, physically demanding tasks and lack of privacy”.  Clearly we have come a long way, yet woman our still being restricted.  I believe it is unfair that woman are not allowed in combat.  This decision should be up to the individual.  Women also go through the same demanding and physically exhausting training.
A number of woman that served in the army were interviewed. One in particular expressed a lot of anger about the fact that woman are prohibited from combat.  As she says "women need to be acknowledged as being in combat because they're out there putting their lives on the line."  Even thought woman may not be fighting they are still on the battlefield facing similar risks to those who are fighting.   She also adds "women really need to have the fact that they are engaging in combat acknowledged so they can keep moving up the ladder". This is true, for if woman are so restricted than they have less to strive for and may not improve much.  I think it’s really important that woman can fight in combat, it will take away the gender inequalities and allow woman to have more to obtain.  What do you think of this pressing issue?  What does it say about our society today?

Kelvin Park High School

I’m currently involved in a program called “Kelvin Park”, the program allows New Trier Students and Kelvin Park students to interact, and compare and contrast the differences in our school, our education and most importantly why these differences occur.  Prominent American values are equality and the right to an education.  Every child in America is required to attend school up until high school.  Yet, education differs depending on where you are.  Poorer education meaning lack of involvement from teachers, and lack of resources is common in poorer neighborhoods.  Why should something as important as education; the key to your future, be jeopardized by lack of money?  
          Here at New Trier we very fortunate our school ridiculously well funded, due to the higher taxes on our houses we are able to spends 19,415 dollars per pupil.  Yet in North Chicago (where Kelvin Park is located) houses are very small and the funding is really lacking, they can only afford to spend 13,025 per pupil.
Due to the lack of funding Kelvin Park had to fire multiple teachers from the KW and Art programs.  Mrs. Katie is a former Art teacher at Kelvin Park, she attended the Art Institute of Chicago and art has always been her passion.  Now Mrs. Katie is working in the Special Education Department, her frustration is understandable. 
        The school had four principals in the last year, because they continued to fail to find the right match; this creates an unstable environment for students, which does not support a quality education.  With different principals come different regulations and rules so students have to constantly keep up with the change.  Students admitted that this was “very distracting”.
Due to the lack of administration its common for students to have had up to seven schedule changes so far this year!  That’s another unnecessary change students have to deal with.  This also does not support and quality, focused education.   These are just a few of the areas CPS education is lacking.   To what extent do you think schools should differ depending on if they are located in wealthy of poor neighborhoods?  Do we pay for our education or is it a right?

The Importance of Voting

           I have always viewed voting as a great privilege, it gives us a voice in how our Country will be run.  A great pride should be associated with voting.  Therefore I was shocked to learn that in the 2008 election only 58 percent of our population voted.  What about the other 42 percent?  In a recent study the California Voter Foundation discovered that; “28 percent of infrequent voters and 23 percent of those unregistered said they do not vote or do not register to vote because they are too busy”.  Although these are relatively small numbers, it is important to take into account that California has the largest population in the US.  These Americans are “too busy” to vote, therefore they are prioritizing something else in their life above voting.  Which means that their Country is not coming first.  Instead jobs, family, friends or other obligations are being prioritized. I believe that this evidence points to the fact that America is an individualist society. 
            America has become an individualist society, and therefore we are busy improving our selves, and fulfilling personal tasks.  Therefore do you believe that there are indeed more important obligations people may have than voting for president?  In what situations do you believe it is right for Americans to put themselves before their Country?